World of Warcraft: Shadowlands release has been delayed

Blizzard has announced it is delaying World of Warcraft’s next expansion Shadowlands, pushing the release from October 27th to a date that is yet to be confirmed. The delay comes as Blizzard has stated more time is need to polish the Shadowlands experience so it lands in a state that will be acceptable for both players and the development team. John Hight, executive producer of World of Warcraft, released the following statement explaining the delay situation.

I wanted to let you know that we’re delaying the release of Shadowlands to later this year—and while we’re still in the process of determining the right new date to launch, we felt it was important to let you know about this change in plans as soon as we could. This was an incredibly difficult decision for the team, as we’re as eager to get the expansion into your hands as you are to play it—but ultimately, we feel it’s the right decision for the game—and for our players. Over the past several months of testing, we’ve made significant progress iterating on and polishing the core features and gameplay of Shadowlands. We’re at a point where the zones, the campaign, the level-up questing experience. and the story we have to tell are essentially ready to share. We’re excited by the Covenants at the heart of the expansion, and it’s been a thrill to see Torghast take shape into a fun new kind of WoW experience, thanks in no small part to your input.

However, as everything started coming together and we’ve been listening to and building upon your feedback. It’s become clear we need a little more time for additional polish, and to balance and iterate on some interlocking pieces—particularly those related to the endgame. Shadowlands is one of the most intricate expansions we’ve yet created, and while we’ve made great progress, the challenge of tuning the endgame was compounded the team having to work from home.

Blizzard has a commitment to quality. We believe Shadowlands will be something special, and heard from many of you who feel the same. We need this extra time to ensure that Shadowlands lives up to its full potential. In the meantime, we’re excited to announce that beginning October 13 we will be releasing the Shadowlands pre-patch, which lays a lot of the groundwork for the expansion and includes our revamped character leveling, new-player experience on Exile’s Reach, and a host of new character customization options. And once we get closer to Shadowlands’ release, you’ll be called upon to defend Azeroth against a resurgence of the Scourge during our prelaunch event.

Thanks for your support and passion, and for your continued help and feedback as we head toward the finish line We’ll see you In the Shadowlands soon.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands was announced last year at Blizzcon. The Shadowlands will play host to familiar fallen characters you’ve encountered in the past. Never meant for mortal eyes, this entirely new area sports a diverse array of environments from floating islands of Bastion and the mystic forests of Ardenweald, as well as the blighted lands of Revendreth and Maldraxxus. In this new realm, players will need to choose a Covenant to align with in their quest to restore balance between the forces of life and death.

Source: Twitter

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.