Cyberpunk 2077 multiplayer is a “standalone product”, next gen cross-save confirmed

CD Projeckt RED have been talking about the forthcoming multiplayer component for Cyberpunk 2077 and it seems it’s going to be much bigger than anyone expected.

“It’s a separate dedicated production, a big production. And we plan – we think about it as a standalone product,” said Joint CEO at CD Projekt Red, Adam Kiciński. “Obviously, it’s not entirely standalone as it comes from the universe of Cyberpunk and is very much related to the concept of single player Cyberpunk we – I came up with. But from our perspective, it’s — is another independent production and independent team of people works on it.”

“I mean, it’s not the moment to talk about any business model for multiplayer,” he added, suggesting this was because they wanted “to avoid any fast in our gaming community.” I assume that’s a translation issue by Seeking Alpha and perhaps meant to say they want avoid panic or controversy, which, as they are not talking about the business model, sounds like there may be a battle pass or some sort of paid DLC.

During the call Kiciński confirmed on two occasions that the multiplayer would be discussed further before March 2021. CD Projekt publishing head Michal Nowakowski had previously said that “2021 appears unlikely as a release date for the Cyberpunk multiplayer”.

In other CyberPunk 2077 news it has been confirmed that you will be able to use your PS4 saves on PS5, and likewise Xbox One saves on your Xbox Series X|S. On Xbox, Smart Delivery will allow you to continue playing the game on Xbox Series X/S from where you’ve left off on the Xbox One, but PS4 owners will have to use the PlayStation Plus cloud save feature or move the saves manually.

CD Projekt Red recently released a video featuring gameplay captured on both PlayStation 4 Pro and PlayStation 5.

As in the Xbox gameplay reveal, this video switches between PS4 Pro and playing on PS5 via backward compatibility, though the majority is spent on the older console before capping things off with the PS5 at the end.

Cyberpunk 2077 will be out for Xbox One, PS4 and PC on 10th December. It will be playable on Xbox Series X | S at that point – the consoles coming out on 10th November – and on PlayStation 5 on November 11th/19th, but again, full on next-gen enhancements will not be there on day one.

Source: SeekingAlpha

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. “Obviously, it’s not entirely standalone as it comes from the universe of Cyberpunk and is very much related to the concept of single player Cyberpunk we – I came up with.”

    Jeez, some people really need to learn some humility. Yes, he may have solely come up with the idea of Cyberpunk as a concept, but I highly doubt he made every decision going.

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