Forza Horizon 4 update fixes game crashes on Xbox Series X|S

An update is going live for Forza Horizon 4 to fix the Xbox Series X|S game crashing issues that were introduced with the Series 35 update earlier this week.

The fix was pretty darned essential, with the Series 35 update preventing a decent number of Xbox Series X|S players from even loading into the game! It would simply crash at the copyright and licensing splash screen. A workaround was figured out that involved disconnecting the console from the internet before reconnecting after the game was loaded, but the developers obviously had to work quickly to resolve the problem.

The update has seemingly already been installed on our Xbox Series X, with the version number now reading 2.468.822.0.

The Series 35 update (with version number 2.468.308) that introduced the issue was pushed out to players on Wednesday night at 6PM UK time, weighing in at 6.6GB on Xbox Series X, but just 1.1GB on PC and 653MB on Xbox One. It puts in place the new seasonal rotation that the game is built upon, with specific in-game events and rewards. There’s also a trio of new cars to grab.

  • 2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon (new to Forza)
  • 1975 Citroen DS 23 (new to Forza)
  • 1993 Porsche 928 GTS (previously in FM7 and FH3)

It’s all a bit of an embarrassing error to let slip through in such a mature game, with Forza Horizon 4 now being two and a half years old. The game suffered such a significant issue at almost exactly the same time as new PlayStation 5 exclusive Returnal, with Housemarque having to revert the patch for their roguelike shooter after it introduced a save file corruption issue. Thankfully Forza Horizon 4’s issue wasn’t quite so severe.

Set in the UK countryside, the game advanced the series with shifting seasons that altered the content and races available for you to play. In our Forza Horizon 4 review, Dom said, “Beautiful, British and bold, Forza Horizon 4 sets a new benchmark for open-world arcade racing.”

Since then the game has received plenty of updates, as well as two major expansions, heading to Fortune Island and then on to the rather awesome Lego Speed Champions DLC, before getting a Battle Royale-style Eliminator mode in December 2019. Already a showcase on Xbox One X and PC, it was the perfect candidate for Microsoft to revisit and update for Xbox Series X as well, giving straight up 60fps performance without having to settle for a performance mode. Now those Series X players can actually play again. Hurrah!

Source: Twitter

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