Crusader Kings 3: Tours and Tournaments expansion revealed

Crusader Kings 3 Tours and Tournaments

Crusader Kings 3 players will be able to take their royal lineage on new adventures with the next expansion, Tours and Tournaments, coming out later this year.

Crusader Kings 3: Tours and Tournaments will do exactly what it says on the tin, adding new narrative events to pose conundrums to you, and new touring mechanics and tournaments to take part in, to prove your superiority in the field of combat (but in a slightly more constrained setting than an all-out war!).

This will provide a new avenue to gain prestige, whether you host the tournaments yourself at home, or head off to take part in them abroad. You’ll also be able to style it up with new armour options that develop through the ages.

There will also be new pilgrimage options available to you, with Pious Pilgrimage, Worldly Pilgrimage and Hajj. Should you leave your lands, there’s the potential for intrigue to be left behind, with a regent set to rule in your stead. Alternatively you might get this temporary opportunity if your liege leaves. What will you do with this power?

There’s no release date yet, but Tours and Tournaments will be available first for Crusader Kings 3 on PC, with Console Edition lagging behind, as per usual. Console players will get The Royal Court DLC this Spring.

Looking back on our original review for Crusader Kings 3, I wrote: “The best way to think of Crusader Kings 3 as a sequel is in terms of its own dynastic gameplay. Sure, Paradox have started from scratch with a new game, but it’s still full of scheming, warring amidst an impressive breadth of cultures and religions. Crusader Kings 3 is an heir that has been born from Crusader Kings 2 and its many expansions, including and improving on so much of what made that game great, but it can still grow and improve in its own right.”

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