Double Dragon Heads To 3DS eShop

The list for the latest eShop update is in, and retro fans are in for a treat as Jimmy and Billy Lee will be making an appearance in the classic ‘Double Dragon’.

The full list is as follows:

  • Double Dragon (3DS Virtual Console, Arc System Works: £2.70)
  • Radar Mission (3DS Virtual Console, Nintendo: £2.70)
  • Just Sing: 80s Collection (DSiWare: DTP Young Entertainment, 500 Nintendo Points)
  • Delbo (DSiWare: Neko Entertainment, 200 Nintendo Points)

Source: press release.


  1. So in the future of the 3DS? will they bother with more than two games for the 3DS only?

  2. I’m liking the fact there is at least one ‘classic’ being released each week, but I can’t see myself picking one up…. unless pokemon red/blue come out of course

  3. Great move, brilliant games. Real fond memories…….

  4. classic double dragon, i loved the gameboy advance version in particular, it was awesome!

    It combined stages and enemies from Double Dragon 1 and 2. Up to 6 enemies can be on the screen at once. There are a ton of moves as well as combos and weapons!

    If only they made that in HD now! :D

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