Sony’s “The Last of Us” Tops Google Trends

Here at TheSixthAxis, we like to celebrate games. Sure, we’ll have a sly dig in the ribs of whatever silly publisher is using polygonal boobs to sell their latest game or whatever generic modern military shooter is stumbling over its desire to be Modern Warfare. But it’s genuinely all done out of love for the medium.

In this spirit of celebration, the critical reception to The Last of Us after yesterday’s big review embargo lifting gave us all a warm tingle. After checking to make sure we hadn’t just lost control of our bladders again, we realised it’s because – for all of their casual, disposable silliness – videogames that manage to pull everything together and get it just right offer these brilliant moments in time for us all to rally around our beloved pastime.

The Last of Us is currently sitting with a Metacritic rating of 96, putting it ahead of BioShock Infinite as this year’s most warmly received (by included critics…) videogame. Alex awarded it a rare 10/10 in our own review and the rest of the staff are currently planning an assault on his PS3 in an attempt to pry the disc from him and have a go ourselves.

It’s only just behind GTA IV and Super Mario Galaxy as the most enthusiastically rated game of all time on the ubiquitous score-aggregating service.

And today it’s sitting atop Google’s own Trends Hot Searches in the UK.

With more than 20,000 searches today, it looks set to be one of the most talked about subjects in the world of gaming at just the right time – as we head into E3. Presumably the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 will trend higher as search terms next week but hopefully Naughty Dogs’ latest can carry this momentum onward ahead of its release.


  1. That’s great. I hope all this interest translates into sales. Naughty Dog deserve it.

  2. “It’s only just behind GTA IV and Super Mario Galaxy as the most enthusiastically rated game of all time on the ubiquitous score-aggregating service.”

    And the reason for that is probably because Polygon couldn’t resist the clickbaiting with their shitty 7.5/10 rating…

  3. I haven’t read a single review yet, only seen the scores. I’m trying to distance myself from news regarding it as I want everything to be a surprise. The annoying thing is that I’m going to need to wait a couple of months before picking it up, and it’s going to be tough avoiding spoilers and not getting sucked into discussions about it, but hopefully it will be worth it when I do manage to get my hands on it!

    • I’ve done the same. Haven’t watched a single piece of single player gameplay, or read any previews/reviews/
      Slightly taken back by the Polygon score for the game though, as it seems so out of fashion with every other reviewer.

      • I’m actually more keen to read Polygon’s review than all the ones that have given it 10’s.
        I don’t really like seeing 10’s, I’m worried that the reviewers have either succumed to the hype, or have fallen blindly in love with it and ignore all the weaknesses in the game.

      • Judging from the Uncharted series though, I can’t quite possible comprehend how it could score any lower than an 8.

      • I wasn’t a massive fan of the Uncharted games, I’m hoping this is different. I think it was the shooting that annoyed me in the Uncharted games, so I’ll wait to hear how similar it is.

  4. So it’s now rated higher than Uncharted 2?

  5. This is awesome for the lead up to E3, if it’s intentional or not.

  6. “The Last Of Us” Buy From Amazon

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