The Last Guardian Will Be Out Next Year. No, Really.

Sony have just started their E3 presentation and they’ve lead with a little known game called The Last Guardian. The video seems similar to what we have seen before with a lone boy trapped in a crumbling city and bird-rat-dog helping him traverse the landscape.

As everyone had expected, the game is now for PlayStation 4, rather than PlayStation 3.

Source: YouTube


  1. It looks spectacular, but it’s a shame we need to wait another year for it.

  2. Quite funny it looks exactly as… how many years ago, about six..?

    • Yes, weirdly the video seems to be set in the exact same area as the one from six years ago.

  3. Fantastic! Not criticism here!

  4. Big smile from me. Just know I’m going to love this game.

  5. I better crack on with ICO and SOTC then….

  6. Bet it gets delayed… (I couldn’t care less about this game)

  7. I was very happy it was shown but not fond of how they changed my favourite scene from the original trailer. In the original, the boy doesn’t seem to know about Trico until it saves him from falling, in this the boy seems to already know Trico and so when he petted Trico this time it didn’t have the same emotional tug for me as in the original scene, although it still elicited that “boy and his dog” feeling.
    I need to go back and watch the first trailer again but i thought the environments seemed more detailed than before.
    The creature movement is fantastic too, endearingly authentic-seeming for a made-up creature.

    I was also a bit thrown by the glowing blue marks on his head, where the horns appear to have been violently removed perhaps? They also reminded me of the weak spots on the colossi. I guess we’ll have to wait to find out more.

  8. I’m not sure we’ll see this before mid 2017. I think it’s been brought out due to Sony worrying about whether they’re other announcements will hold up under scrutiny.

  9. Looks much better than I remember. I wasn’t really bothered about this game when it was shown a few years back, but after watching that vid I’m actually looking forward to it.

  10. A few years ago, i would have cared. Sadly, all the hype and interest has faded for me. :-( THat and i only own a PS3. I do hope that it’s not going to be the PS4’s version of Duke Nukem Forever.

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