No Man’s Sky Is Out On June 24th In The UK

There’s really not an awful lot to say here, other than that No Man’s Sky finally has a release date. Having been pencilled in for a release in June for a long time, Sony and Hello Games have finally been able to confirm a release date of June 24th in the UK, while the US can get playing on June 21st and the EU on June 22nd.

The game is, as has long been mooted, coming out on disc at retail – hence the traditionally split release date across countries and regions – with a rather smart looking limited edition alongside it. Pre-orders are also going live today, and just as was leaked, it’s full retail pricing at £49.99.


Oh, you can also pre-order the soundtrack for the game

For more on the game, Tuffcub has been privy to a detailed presentation and had some hands on time with the game. Check out our preview here.


  1. Definitely pre odering the limited edition. Feels good to finally have a set release date.

  2. What’s the subtext I’m missing here then Pitchforkdisney?

    • Why have you posted that twice? And wtf does it mean?

      • Was wondering that myself tbh – I had assumed that it was a comment that was removed that he was responding to or something, but that would be pretty drastic considering when members are banned, their ‘posts’ (or what used to be them) remain.


      • Re: yesterday when Pitchforkdisney suggested I’d missed some clever subtext that you’d made when you told everyone to shush.

        As it turns out, your preview hasn’t been able to alleviate anyones fears that this is just an albeit very impressive, tech demo with little ‘game’.

        My comment was meant for your preview topic, not this release date topic, but for some reason you can’t delete comments on TSA.

    • Tactical20. You want a response? You thought my request for patience and ‘wait and see’ was directed at you personally? Nope. Though I do think you’ve spotlighted a certain narrow mindedness. There’s a definite split in the responses from before and after Tuff’s preview.

      Indie should never be considered cheap. My most played PS4 game is Awesomenauts. An indie game. But that’s just me. I’ve bought full priced, big publisher games and had less value for money. Independent music and films are often far superior to their blockbuster peers and I don’t expect to pay less to listen or watch. But that’s not just me.

      Your specific fear that NMS is possibly just a ‘tech demo’ with no game is clearly going to be just speculative even with Tuff’s preview that apparently ‘alleviates no-one’s fears’. Rather sweeping?

      Another way to look at Tuffcub’s preview would be to say that after half an hour he was certainly wanting to play more. And that to me is enough, for now.

      Till June, then, till a proper hands on, till a proper TSA review, till maybe 15/20 hours exploring and trading and…well playing…let’s keep an open mind and try to be positive eh?

      Shush! (I’ve tried to avoid subtext here, just to keep things safe.)

  3. i just saw the explorer’s edition with the model ship from iam8bit, oh, i so want that.
    8 inches of painted cast metal, not plastic like most of these type of things seem to be, and it looks bloody gorgeous.

    sadly, it’s like a hundred quid, and it seems PC only.

    • “8 inches of painted cast metal, not plastic like most of these type of things seem to be, and it looks bloody gorgeous.”

      Giggedy. :)

  4. Cheers for the write up Tuffcub kept my anticipation at fever pitch for this game. Probably the only current gen game I’m really interested in. Can’t remember the last time I was compelled to even comment about a game…

  5. Things I don’t like…

    1. Pre-order it and get a bunch of bonus money? But I’m not sure if that’s because “pre-order it or it’s harder to get started” or because “pre-order and you’ll make the game easier”. Seems like the sort of game that _should_ be hard work to start with.

    2. That fancy version doesn’t have the soundtrack with it. That would have been nice.

    3. That fancy version is inevitably exclusive to somewhere terrible.

    4. We’ve got 3.5 months of ridiculous “It’s overpriced because I wanted it cheap and they’ve obviously knocked it up in a couple of weeks” nonsense.

    Things I like…

    1. It looks exactly like the sort of thing I could get lost in for months, finding and naming things nobody else will ever see.

    • Exclusive to North Korea? I actually just googled most racist countries in the world to get somewhere genuinely terrible and it turns out the USA, the UK and Australia are the top three. From what I’ve seen North Korea is quite pretty and just locked into dictatorial poverty. So, exclusive to somewhere terrible probably means we’ll get it, yay!

      • I meant “exclusive to Game” or somewhere like that.

        Which is worse than North Korea. Seriously, the day Game go nuclear, we’re all screwed.

        It could happen. It’d make more sense than their prices.

      • “would you like to protect your game from nuclear devastation for £1?”

      • Hah!

      • But Game has gone Nuclear. THEY’VE GONE WIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLD! OH what a mess when it all went wrooooooooooong!


        It’s a Phantom Pain reference. God, i feel old. Damn youngesters and their memes replacing ol’ fashion references.

    • You missed one:

      5. Life


  6. £50!? Those greedy bastards even though other games cost more or less that! I WON’T STAND FOR THIS! I’M RUNNING FOR GLATATIC EMPEROR OF GAMING AND WILL MAKE INDIE GAMES BE INDIE PRICES AGAIN! #Votesteven2016 #withonions

    • #theinabilitytospellgalactic #toomanyhastags #mcvitiesbiscuits

      • You’re a BLEEP!


      • #theinabilitytoswear :P

      • #banthejellycookietyphoos #Avengerisapoopoohead #realmenusepooasaninsult #votesteven2016

  7. I hope there isn’t a trophy for 100% completion. Might take a while.

    • Let’s hope not. I reckon if each planet costs the server 1Kb is storage space for each planets maths and ‘discovered by’ info then the universe will occupy tens of millions of terabytes of hard disk space! If we only get around a millionth of the universe it’s ten terabytes. Anyone wanna check that? If I’ve managed to get it anywhere near right that’s some #swearyword -ing impressive stats.

      • It wouldn’t be anywhere near that much per planet.

        If the galaxy is all based on maths, then there’s nothing to store on the server. You’ve got a single 64-bit number that generates the planet on the client side.

        I guess once someone names a planet, that takes up some space. Be generous and say you can have 64 character names. Plus you need to store the name of the person who found it (or a reference to them, so let’s just use another 32-bit number to cover more players than you’d ever need). And you need to store the planet itself (so that 64-bit number)

        76 bytes per planet.

        A millionth of that 2^64 planets gives… almost 1.25 petabytes. I think. How’d you get 10 Tb??

        Also, a millionth of the planets won’t be discovered. If the game sold a million copies and everyone found a planet every couple of minutes for the next 100 years, then we might be there. That’s assuming you don’t sleep, or eat, or die of old age.

      • And if any of those numbers are wrong, I’ve got a cold and I keep sneezing and forgetting a number. Divide by a million, that’s 1,000,00sneeze, oh crap, was that 5 or 6 zeros? I don’t care. Better wipe up some of this unpleasantness.

      • Good number crunching mate! I’m most likely wrong, I was dealing in schoolboy powers of ten while I had a minute between crying babies, I feel like it’s a good excuse! Might spend a bit more time doing some number crunching and research on NMS this evening, they are certainly dealing with uniquely huge numbers for a computer game.

      • There’s a lot of guessing going on, so anything within an order of magnitude is a pretty good estimate.

        So the petabyte or so I came up with could be as much as 10 petabytes or or as low as 100 terabytes. But that was based on 1 million players and a planet every couple of minutes for 100 years.

        First bit is reasonable, the others are more likely 1 an hour for 6 months. So 1/6000th of that storage. Or down to a couple of hundred gigabytes. (Or 20GB. Or a couple of terabytes)

      • Big numbers are so easy to cock up! Basically, I think we can agree that the game either could fit on an iPod or wouldn’t fit on every iPod in existence. One or the other.

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