Video: Creating Catastrophic Scenarios In Cities: Skylines – Natural Disasters

Cities: Skylines’ latest DLC pack is all about the extremes. The extremes of a tsunami wave crashing into your city, of the wind swirling into a tornado and blowing buildings and cars away, of a huge meteor crashing in and destroying a dozen blocks of buildings…

But there’s also a clever new scenario editor that lets you set triggers and effects. We do a quick little run through of the features it offers, from rewarding you for having X number of people using the cabs in your city, to simply having one of the expansion’s titular natural disasters trigger after a certain number of weeks.

We’ll have a fuller review ready for early next week, but you can read our impressions from a few weeks ago and see some more of the game’s disasters in action here.

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!