Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura Bring Joy-Con Thigh Massaging Gameplay To Nintendo Switch

2017 Nintendo clearly isn’t as buttoned up and straight-laced as the Nintendo of the 90s that refused to even allow red blood onto its consoles. In fact, if Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura is anything to go by,  you can get away with practically anything on their consoles now, as this bizarre and perverse game series and its buxom ninjas come to Nintendo Switch.

A live demonstration of the game shows off the game’s Joy-Con specific features and how the team at Tamsoft are breaking new ground in interactive video gaming… Look, what I’m trying to say is that it’s got Joy-Con thigh tapping. Skip to the 4 minute mark to see what I’m on about.

This second video shows off a weird kind of knobbly lint roller that is also applied to a young lady’s thighs. It’s properly strange.

Shinobi Refle: Senran Kagura is out in Japan for Nintendo Switch in 2017. Will we see a Western release? Lord knows there’s enough people that would buy this smut…

Source: Perfectly Nintendo

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I'm probably wearing toe shoes, and there's nothing you can do to stop me!


  1. Looks like I’m going to have set up #ImprobableThighs to join #ImprobableBoobs

  2. Nintendo outside Japan was very strict about game content, aiming to a much younger audience. In Japan, there was no “Nintendo seal of quality” thing and the market was much more unregulated, and quite anything would be released (literally), for better or worse ;).

    • Ah! This I did not know!

    • Indeed, the Manga shiz knows no bounds in Japan where young real life beau’s can and do actually dedicate there lives to wooing these virtual characters which, to them, are actual dates and potential life partners….steady cowboy :P

      That said, Aloy you’re chucked :P

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