It’s all about the PS3 this month (well, not the 10/10 review, but the front cover and lead story is) with the catchy title The Empire Strikes Back. Sounds like a Star Wars film, or something. Anyway, it’s all about the £299 ‘great hope’ for Sony (see the Full Force advertising campaign) so probably won’t sell many copies in America. There’s some bizarre scores this time, most are hidden from the front page (so click through to get them) but it’s worth mentioning a ridiculous score of 5 for Folklore, and 4 for Eye of Judgement. Ridiculous. Anyway, the rest after the jump, whatever that means.
Orange Box – 10
Ratchet & Clank – 8
Folklore – 5
Eye Of Judgement – 4
Wipeout Pulse – 7
Jericho – 5
Conan – 7
Race07 – 7
Juiced 2 – 6
Monster Hunters Freedom 2 – 7
Pursuit Force Extreme Justice – 6
Ace Combat 6 – 8
Dewys Adventure – 6
MySims (Wii) – 6
Tingle DS – 6
See? Crazy.