MAG Officially Arrives In 2010

While the lucky few get to try the beta for MAG (see separate article), a post on the American PlayStation Blog has revealed that the title will be released on January 26th, 2010.
The game was originally expected to be released before the crucial Christmas period; however confirmation of a solid release date from developer Zipper Interactive has proven otherwise. A 256 player online game must take lots of tweaking and an extra couple of months will hopefully do the world of good.
Still no word on an EU release date, but expect it around the same time (i.e. January 2010). In the mean time, check back on the TSA for any further updates on the highly anticipated PS3 exclusive. Now, where’s my Beta invite?
Via PlayStation Blog

While the lucky few get to try the beta for MAG (see separate article), a post on the American PlayStation Blog has revealed that the title will be released on January 26th, 2010.

The game was originally expected to be released before the crucial Christmas period; however confirmation of a solid release date from developer Zipper Interactive has proven otherwise. A 256 player online game must take lots of tweaking and an extra couple of months will hopefully do the world of good.

Still no word on an EU release date, but expect it around the same date (i.e. January 2010). In the mean time, check back on the TSA for any further updates on the highly anticipated PS3 exclusive. Now, where’s my Beta invite?

Via PlayStation Blog