FFXIII To Be As Big As Previous Titles

Square Enix have claimed that Final Fantasy XIII will be a “landmark release for the current generation” and that it will sell just as well as previous titles in the series.

The Japanese version of Final Fantasy XIII has received some fantastic reviews so far and there is no doubt that this will continue when the reviews for the European and US versions appear early next month.

Whether sales of the title can match those of the excellent FFVII remains to be seen, however Square seem confident, with brand manager Adrain Arnese telling MCV that “Since its initial announcement at E3 in 2006, the anticipation for Final Fantasy XIII has been growing and growing, and is now reaching fever pitch, the game has been regularly topping pre-order charts and the rate of pre-orders is increasing as we get closer to its launch.”

“All this considered, our aim is for Final Fantasy XIII to be a landmark release for the current hardware generation, with sales results in line with previous main Final Fantasy releases.”

It all sounds very promising but its what the players think of it that counts, after all its word of mouth that sells any game and if Square want the game to be as successful at they think it will be then they better hope it gets people talking.

via MCV