Speaking to Joystiq, Shuhei Yoshida, the President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, has said that the next game from the guys behind Warhawk should be revealed pretty soon. Admitting that developers Lightbox have been very busy, Yoshida said that he “was expecting that it’s about time we should update the status of what the team is doing.
“The team has been working on something new for a while,” he continued, “and I wouldn’t be surprised if are able to soon talk about it.”
“But not at this time,” he added.
Lightbox was formed in 2009 by former Incognito staff, including celebrated game designer Dylan Jobe, and is “engaged in a multi-year, multi-title partnership with Sony Computer Entertainment America developing games for the PlayStation family of platforms” suggesting whatever’s next for the team (Starhawk?) will be PS3 exclusive.
Via CVG.
Never really liked Warhawk, not sure why, just didnt appeal to me. I thought the vehicles were good, but walking around on foot just wasn’t up to scratch.
Me either. I think maybe I just got into too late. By the time i got my PS3 warhawk had been out for a while. I’m usually pretty good at shooters, but just couldn’t get a grip on it. I’d be willing to try again with this new game though. Jump in early before everyone has all the maps and weapon locations down.
Aw now I’m gonna have to dust off my digital copy of Warhawk.
Bloody hell, look at all the people we could of had for GTOWN’s Birthday Warhawk met if we’d had a post on the front page.
Was still a good game, shall have to organise a big meet one day like we do for Kowzone 2
Ed the Penguin
As I said, I’m up for Warhawk any day Jas-n!
Count me in
Something like Warhawk and I’ll be happy. I love Warhawk.
im looking forward to this game alot.. i loved warhawk
On one hand I’m delighted to hear this news. On the other hand I’m terrified as the first game was a total time-sink which I had to wean myself off in order to play other games. I’ve got so many games I still want to play that a new Warhawk would be a bad thing. That game was like digital heroin to me.