Gears Of War Announcement At 2010 VGAs

In the following footage from Spike, Epic design director Cliff Blesinski makes an appearance, confirming that Fenix and the gang are all set for this year’s VGA ceremony on December 11th. Not only will there be new gameplay footage screened at the event, but Cliffy B is teasing an announcement which he describes as “not what you’re expecting.” Many have began to speculate that the announcement will be related to previous rumours that Gears of War will be receiving some sort of Kinect integration.

Make sure you catch all of the awards and announcements on Spike from 8PM, December 12th (UK gamers: it will be way past your bedtime).

Source: Gametrailers


  1. VGAs looks like its got some big announcements with this, a couple of core games for both kinect & Move a Halo remake and maybe an Uncharted3 reveal (as much as I love Uncharted, which is loads) I had hoped ND were working on Jak & Daxter as I’m not a huge Ratchet & Clank fan. With Ninty & MS not bothering to show up in europe this year the VGAs could be the 2nd biggest destination for reveals… I presume that’s because its on TV

    • With The Lost Frontier coming out this year and Jak starring in next year’s PlayStation Move Heroes, I doubt he will be making an appearance at the VGAs. Uncharted 3 seems like a safe bet to me.

      • this sounds stupid but i think its cross game chat for ps3 because i’m sure sony wants to get all the xbox owners who are bi curious 4 a ps3 to make the switch and they won’t aslong as ps3 has no cross game chat yeno

      • I’m guessing Sony has more than one announcement, but Cross Game Chat would be a biggy for me personally, even if it means signing up for PlayStation Plus.

  2. Cant wait for the VGAs!

    • It’s a shame that we have to wait until Sunday morning though.

  3. Home. In game sound tracks. The ability to press the ps button and you get access to your xmb. The ps3 will drop in price. The ps3 slim will be announced. An eye toy will be released for the ps3. And erm

  4. Home. In game sound tracks. The ability to press the ps button and you get access to your xmb. The ps3 will drop in price. The ps3 slim will be announced. An eye toy will be released for the ps3. And erm I think that’s everything 0_o

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