Captain America: Super Soldier – Villains Trailer

A new trailer for Captain America: Super Soldier has been released showing off some of the game’s classic villains. When the first trailer for Super Soldier was revealed last October, Captain America was actually wearing his old costume. This time, we get to see an updated character model using the same outfit from the film. He looks a lot better now.

Captain America: Super Solider releases on July 19th for the Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and DS.

Source: Marvel


  1. joy?

  2. Not sure what to make of this one to be honest – I think it’ll either be a guilty pleasure, or it’ll be bleedin’ awful. Unfortunately, i am currently leaning towards the latter due to it being a movie/comic book tie in, which are traditionally pretty bad.

  3. looks terrible, will avoid like the plague

  4. I think it actually doesn’t look too bad but i’m not really familiar with the Captain America stories.

  5. Looks much better than Iron Man 2, but it’s not all down to looks is it……

  6. I dont expect anything from this. So if its good, its a bonus :-)

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