Stronghold 3 Goes Gold

Strategy enthusiasts rejoice! No, rejoice more than that. Little bit more. Okay, now you’re rejoicing too much. Start again.

Stronghold 3, the medieval war-em-up that has been hotly anticipated for what seems like forever (but is actually only about a year or so) has finally gone gold. That means they’ve finished making it and sent a fancy master disc off to the factory to start mass producing them. Actually, it might all be done with hard disks now. I can’t be sure, I’m still out of breath from all that rejoicing.

Anyway, here’s a celebratory trailer for the game, which is due for release on the 25th of October and bound to be much better than any of your fancy-bang-bang-shooty-army games that come out around the same time. Probably.

Source: Press Release


  1. I’ve never got into any of the Stronghold games, always prefered the Total War games, with Rome Total War being one of my favourite PC games, ever.
    Hopefully there will be a demo on Steam for this, I want to give it a try.

    • Ah but Stronghold is nothing like Total War though..

      Since in Stronghold and others RTS games like Age of Empires or even Dawn of War (because its awesome, waaagh) You gather soldiers or people with the buildings you build, then research for upgrades, new tech and new units…

      I just like that a bit more than having to lead a army, simply I can’t play it well >_> haha..

  2. Hail brothers! the release of Stronghold 3 would surely make for a glorius alternative to the evils of Lord Firsi Personi Shoota! hail!

    I tried my best to a bit medevalily and epic..

  3. i’ve always liked the stronghold games.
    when i play these rts games i usually play defensively, building a walls and defenses around my limited territory it’s only really once i’ve got a defensible base that i start spreading out, so stronghold suits me right down to the ground.

    • That is also exactly how I play and why this suits me too :)

  4. Good! Looking forward to this one.

  5. “Grab your pikes” Ewww.

    All shall know the glory of the kingdon TheLoneSteven(temporay name). King after King will bow down to me. Noone will be safe from me. Espically Symp and Yoggers. And that cat in the corner. :)I think my laptop would be able to run it so i will declare war on TSA once i have the full game. And have CB hanged. :p

    • You wish dude, you wish…
      There’s a reason I play a lot of RTS games. And there’s a reason I’ve won twice the amount of games than I’ve lost on shogun 2 online despite not having the veteran troops or abilities of people that have played longer than me.
      Oh, I was also a massive fan of Stronghold 2…

  6. Just wish my pc was working still….

  7. looks interesting i think i will give this a go :)

  8. Stronghold is awesome. Shame we can’t get it digitally right now!! :P

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