Display Vitas Heading To Every GAME, Gamestation

Still undecided about the Vita? If you haven’t yet gotten hands on one of the little beauties then your chance will be coming soon.

Sony are sending a Vita console to every single one of the 600 GAME and Gamestation stores in the UK, to convince gamers that the console is worth shelling out for.

Promoting the handheld, Fergal Gara, Vice President and Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK, said:

“PlayStation Vita is an amazing piece of technology – but the very best way to make people realise this, is by putting it in their hands. The beauty and clarity of the 5 inch OLED screen, the ergonomic design with the dual analogue joysticks, the interaction of the rear touch panel, all come emphatically to life.”

“With our own Vita Rooms and now, with this opportunity for consumers to sample PS Vita in any of GAME or Gamestation’s 600 specialist retail stores, the excitement can only continue to build.”

Time to start shiftily hanging around my local Gamestation, methinks…

Source: Eurogamer


  1. Game Cork had their Vita on Thursday.
    They hadn’t got any games yet though- they said one of the staff would have to take it home to download games onto it.
    Tough life that fella must have. :P

    • My work colleague is just nipping in now on lunch break to check Game Cork, me next if it’s there! :)

      • Sigh.. neither of us made it as lunch break was too short but Game i rang Game in mahon point and they have one on display … forgot to ask about games though.

    • I wonder if they’ll still have it next weekend? I’ll be going up to Cork next weekend, which one was it in?

      • If it’s a display model i’m sure it’ll still be there… i’m presuming it’s the store on Pana ..

      • Yeah, I’m talking about Patrick’s Street.
        They didn’t have it in a stand or anything, I think they’d just got it in.
        I popped in on the way to Kent Station from UCC to add the 16gb card to my pre-order, and they just asked if I wanted to have a go.
        Well, what was I going to say? :P

    • theve got 7 of sonys main launch titles, uncharted, wipeout, little devients, reality fighters, everybodys golf, unit 13 and i cant remeber the last one. the staff memeber said the person who took the vita home had to download the games through the PS3 and its linked to there PSN. so thats 600 staff members that got 7 free full games!

      • Nice.
        They didn’t have any games (or a stand set up to put the Vita on) on Thursday, so I assume they’d only just got it in.

      • its apparently the store managers unit, so no stand, however some stores are getting a pod aswell which maybe more helpful

  2. The nearest Game/station to me is over 30 miles away and with the forecast of snow where I live don’t think I’ll get the chance to have a go on one.

  3. Probably. Don’t think they’ve had display anything in Mahon Point :P

    • they do now and they’re open until 7pm this eve. ;)

      • Balls :P I’ll have to have a look next week so :)

  4. Thankfully I have about 2 of each shops within about a 10 mile radius, so one of them must have one for me to have a go.

  5. I think I’m gonna go and try it at my local gamestation on either Tuesday or Thursday, if they have it in as it’s only a small one.

  6. I had a mess around with one in my local game already and its only made me want it more.

  7. I have both stores here in but I think I’ll wait to play it. I don’t understand why they don’t just release it already!

  8. Popped into Derby’s Game today and there’s no stand, the Vita is attached to a member of staff on a wrist strap, and while you have a look he tries to persuade you to preorder to get the “headphones worth £20″… I just peered over someone’s shoulder but didn’t fancy facing the sales patter.

    • what did people expect, game to get somthing like that and not use it as an angle for a pre-order? just think you could walk in to there store, (which immediatly makes you a target because of there target based on counting people in and out and converting it to a sale) walk over to an unmanned POD, play what you want to play and see if you like it without being interuppted… come on lol really lol
      Bless them because technicly speaking they want sonys machine to do well, both for themselves and sony, if it does well more freebies for them and the H/O monkeys get what they want… customers

  9. Hopefully will get to play on Wipeout before launch now then.

  10. Loving the momentum…day one…

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