Vita Games Appear On US PSN Store, Have A Read Of The Prices

Despite decent discounts for grabbing Vita games from the Japanese PSN Store over buying them physically, it doesn’t look like the US PSN Store will be quite as generous, with prices sticking (mostly) to the 10% off figure we heard earlier.

Some games have already appeared on the Store when accessed via PS3 (the direct Vita version is still offline) which means you can buy them and then transfer them to Vita via the Content Manager, as we’ve been doing with review code for weeks.

However, the discounts aren’t that hot, and in the case of Uncharted, nonexistent.

Hot Shots Golf: World Invitational is $35.99, ModNation Racers: Road Trip is $26.99, Super Stardust Delta is the expected price of $9.99, Uncharted Golden Abyss has zero discount at $49.99 and WipEout 2048’s $35.99.

The truth is that whilst these are discounted slightly, you’ll be able to pick them up on physical cards for cheaper.  Whether you want the convenience of having the games all on memory card for easy access is probably going to be the deciding factor.

No word on European releases yet, we’ll keep checking.

Source: GAF.


  1. Oh dear. If the US is getting a worst deal then our is going to be ****.

    • Exactly what I was thinking. We nearly always end up worse off than the US.
      Glad I am waiting a while to pick up a Vita.

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