Jet Set Radio Confirmed, First Screens

As pretty much everyone guessed, Sega are re-releasing Jet Set Radio for PSN and Xbox Live. The Dreamcast original was brilliant, and this’ll be a much stronger release than the likes of Bass Fishing.

“Jet Set Radio lets players join the GGs,” says the press release, “an up-and-coming street gang in the futuristic city of Tokyo-to, fighting for the right to self-expression against an overbearing, corporate-controlled police force.”

“Rolling and leaping through crowded urban environments on magnetically driven inline skates, players take control of gang leader Beat and his growing posse of deviant artists as they steal turf from the local gangs by covering the city with colorful graffiti.”

The re-release will be an “upgraded HD version” and will release in the Summer.


  1. Jet Set Radio ? I know it’s a classic game but a hd remake of Jet Set Willy would be my scene!

  2. Was hoping for Jet Set Radio Future, which was much better IMHO. Oh well, guess this will do for now.

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