PS3 Exclusive “Dyad” Gets July 17th Release Date

I’m hugely excited about Dyad, as hopefully you’ll have seen from the interview I did with creator Shawn McGrath a little while back. Go and read it, and come back and read this bit: it’s out next week, at least in the States, and will release with a 20% discount for Plus subscribers, as we hinted at.

“Today, Dyad was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to administer heroic doses of ultimate sensory overload,” goes the quirky press release.

“It is absorbed directly into gamers’ cerebral cortex via their eyes, ears and thumbs. The game was approved for use in all patients in North America who are in possession of a PlayStation 3 console, and are not susceptible to epileptic seizures or other abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.”

There’s more, but it’s silly. Just watch the video.


  1. Already confirmed that it won’t be out that week in EU. Wooo…

  2. Rez?

  3. Looks great, but i’m currenrly embarking on a lifelong mission to not receive a migraine, and this looks very… Migraine-y.

  4. Currently*. Dammit.

  5. Very much looking forward to this. Day 1 buy, for sure.

    (My only niggle is they’ve chosen to go for a lovely lady in the ad,
    rather than Shawn McGrath himself – makes it looks a bit Child of Eden,
    whereas I believe they play completely differently.)

  6. Shame we have to wait but i’ll definitely pick this up.

  7. Oh well..away from my PS3 for a couple months anyway >.>

  8. Is that what it looks like when you do drugs?!

    • Dunno, i’m on drugs so i can’t tell.

  9. i’m getting a bit of a Rez vibe from that.

  10. she looks like she’s having an orgasm.

    I’ll take 3 copy’s :)

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