Gears Of War: Judgment Leaks, Microsoft Will Act Against Users

Gears Of War Judgement has leaked onto torrent sites, a month ahead of the game’s scheduled release date of March 22nd in the UK.

It is unclear what build of the game has been leaked, whether it’s an earlier build or the final version, but Microsoft has released a statement saying that they will be pursuing action against anyone found to be playing the game.

“Consumers should be aware that piracy is illegal and we take vigorous action against illegal activity related to our products and services. Playing pirated copies of games, such as Gears of War: Judgment, is a violation of the Xbox Live Terms of Use and will result in enforcement action, such as account and console bans.”

This isn’t the first time the Gears franchise has been a victim of piracy. Around the time of Gears Of War 3’s release date an early build was leaked to torrent sites, resulting in Microsoft taking a tough stance.

My advice is if you find the torrent do not download it. It’s not really worth getting banned from your account and console for a, presumably unfinished, title. Wait for it to release and buy it when you feel like, be it release day, when the price drops or second hand (though MS will no doubt disagree with me on that last suggestion).

Source: Press Statement


  1. Don’t you have to have a modded console to play it in the first place anyway?

  2. I’m surprised they can’t just automatically detect and ban a modded console the moment it connects to live.

  3. MS seem to have very bad luck with their exclusives getting leaked and pirated. I suspect those who have downloaded it, won’t be daft enough to connect it to XBL thus making it hard for MS to ban them unless they contact their ISP.

    • i think maybe you misunderestimate people. ^_^

    • You’ve clearly never been on xbl

  4. Isn’t every second MS exclusive leaked? Somebody’s gonna get a hurty!

  5. It always seems to be a month before release Oh well Sony PS4 day tomorrow lol

  6. This happens too often to be a coincidence.

    A certain games company isn’t just trying to remind people that they still exist in a week where their competition has taken all the headlines, is it?

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