News Snatch: Full Frontal Sex, Next Xbox And All The Metal Gears

Has Naughty Dog revealed the PlayStation 4 launch date via a trailer for The Last Of Us? The developer does have previous form for this sort of thing, a newspaper in Uncharted 3 hinted at the story of The Last Of Us.

Staying with the PS4, the President of GameStop, Tony Bartel, has told Forbes he expects the console to be released this year and it will support used games.

He also suggests the Vita will get a sales boost thanks to its new big brother, “With multi-screen gaming continuing to rise in popularity, I think you’ll see more gamers purchase a Vita to take advantage of the enhanced game play offered by the PS4.”

The first trailer for Ride To Hell: Retribution has been released and it looks immensely trashy and slightly awful, but in a good way.

A listing for Metal Gear Solid: The Legacy Collection has been spotted, presumably it will be all of the Metal Gears in a nice box.

“Let’s talk about sex” sang the utterly awesome Salt ‘n’ Pepa, and Killer Is Dead head honcho has granted their wish while chatting to Eurogamer.

“I don’t really use [sex] as something full frontal, but sexuality is a good way to express a certain element in the game… Maybe sexuality in games shouldn’t be as big a taboo, but at the same time I live in a country where sexuality is pretty crazy.”

Hey, Microsoft… Xbox… remember them? I know they have not said a word since the start of year but perhaps they finally are getting ready to reveal the next Xbox which might be called… Xbox!


Four images have surfaced, each image has an obscure code on it which translates to Storm Clouds, More than now, Deep Computing and Petaflops > Teraflops.

Are these fake? Are these real? They are fakes of course, still not a single word from Microsoft on their new console.

Meanwhile in another corner of Microsoft, a real one this time if the Wall Street Journal is to be believed, a team of boffins are footling about with prototypes for a touch screen “Smart Watch”.

This sounds suspiciously like the rumoured Apple smart watch and we all know how well it turns out for Microsoft when they go head to head with the fruity one.

And finally, someone is having far too much fun marketing Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, check out this 80’s inspired live action short.


  1. am I the only one who isn’t in the least bit bothered by Blood Dragon? My personal opinion …. but it looks pants! and obviously, i don’t know too much about it ;)

  2. I’ve recently got my girlfriend quoting ‘Snake? Snaaaake!’, plenty of Kojima love in our house! I reckon they could fit all the currently available games, soundtracks and documentaries on one blu ray and ship it in a standard CD case, that’d be good for profits. Even better, stick it in a triple CD case with a neatly folded blow up Meryl doll.

  3. Microsoft v Apple reminds me of that Family guy episode where Carl pewterschmit takes the piss out of Bill gates about Zune doing so well.8)

  4. That was awesome! Blood Dragon is going to be a lot of fun.

  5. Blood Dragon looks mental. Is it a standalone game or DLC for Far Cry 3 ?

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