Crimson Dragon Announced For Xbox One

Crimson Dragon will now be an Xbox One exclusive. Originally meant to appear on the Xbox 360, it is a spiritual successor to the Panzer Dragoon series, with Yukio Futatsugi taking the director role.

The game will be an on-rails shooter. Visually it looked good but I can’t say anything about the sound as Microsoft’s equipment seemed to have glitched meaning the trailer played without it. The crowd tried to fill the quiet by themselves though.

Originally the game required the Kinect to play, but there was no mention of that input this time round. Maybe they’ve changed it, maybe not.

Now updated with a trailer espousing the marvels of auditory delights in combination with visual splendor! – Tef

(I think that was in stereo too)


  1. so, basically Panzer Dragoon?

    maybe they dumped the motion controls when they realised they were shite, you know, like Lair.

  2. This and Down Below are the only games I wish wouldn’t be exclusive to X1

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