E3: Dedicated or Insane?

About twelve hours ago, I sat in front of my computer ready and waiting for Microsoft’s E3 conference and the plethora of news that would follow. I knew that this year would be our hardest yet – Peter, Kris and Alex weren’t around to edit and keep everything in order since they’re at the show and both Microsoft and Sony were showing off their new systems: the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 respectively.

About twelve hours later and I’m sitting in front of my computer once again – it’s half past four in the morning. Night has been and gone; the sun is rising for a new day. The birds are tweeting and the internet is too, mostly about the insane Sony E3 conference that just went down.

And I should sleep, I really should. I’m tired beyond belief, although maybe not as much as those in LA. Instead, I’m sitting here writing more about game, falling asleep as I do so, making typos and misjudging coherency.

I won’t sleep right now though, I’m too excited to sleep. I’m sitting reflecting on the day, from Microsoft’s myriad game announcements, to EA’s Mirror’s Edge unveiling, to Ubisoft’s The Divide – was it the Divide? No, The Division – right up to Sony’s incredible PS4 showcase.

I’m smiling, thinking that in the end it was all worth it for moments like this. Not only for my own experience but to keep the readers happy and let Peter sleep safe knowing that while his site is maybe not in the best of hands, it’s certainly in the hands of people that will get the job done.

And, of course, I couldn’t have done it if it wasn’t for the ever faithful staff that joined me on this mission. Aran, Dan, Gareth, Greg, Jim, Josh, Tuffcub and Stefan all put in an extremely commendable effort, allowing me to focus on editing, videos and images and making sure everything was done right.

But this is just the start – there won’t be another day like this for a long time but there’s still a whole week of E3. We’ve got Nintendo at 3pm tomorrow – that’s less than eleven hours from now – and then the new consoles will be demoed and discussed all week by our men on the front line.

It’s insane, really, that we do this for video games but at the same time it’s absolutely fantastic. That we can share a passion and use letters and words to convey our feelings, making each other truly happy; that we can travel across the world to see these bits of entertainment in person; that we can stay up well beyond our bed time just to write a bit more.

We might pretend we do it for you, but we really do it for ourselves. We don’t do it for monetary gain, which makes TheSixthAxis quite unlike the other sites we’re often compared to. We might be a bit mad but that’s okay, it means you get to read stuff like this.


  1. I’m currently sat at work chugging along from the fumes of 2 hours sleep.

    It was however, so worth it!

  2. I promised my girlfriend we’d watch a rerun together tonight (she had important business in the real world) and decided I would stay away from gaming sources until then. Well I managed to hold myself for about 6 minutes. Still watching the Sony conference in full length tonight though. Some very exciting news, and I’m sure there’ll be details I’ve missed so far.

  3. Top notch work all round guys. U all be cray cray

  4. I’ve gotta say, hats off to all of you!
    75+ articles in such a short space of time, you beautiful bunch of strapping young lads.

  5. Than you keeping us all updated. I’ve only had 4 hours sleep but I didn’t have to go to work as I have a very understanding boss, fortunately. I l one this site, I would never have found it if it weren’t for twitter.

  6. I’m really proud of the team back in the UK, they’re doing a great job. Everyone has really stepped up to make sure that the 3 of us who travelled to LA aren’t missed – which means we’ve been able to focus on writing weird travel diaries and, over the next few days, plenty of hands on and previews of things that are here.

  7. Having been a member of TSA for the last few years, I have to say what a great bunch of guys you all are……and that includes the members as well as the staff. ;)

    This years E3 coverage on TSA has been the best ever and reinforces my opinion that this is, and always has been a great site.

    Oh, before I forget…….Nice one Sony……Game, Set and Match IMO. :P

    (I may or mayn’t have had a couple of beers, so don’t hold that against me) :D

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