THQ Suing EA Over UFC Licensing Agreement

THQ, the once major publisher, is suing EA and the owners of the UFC, Zuffa, over the game franchises licensing agreement, citing that both companies colluded to pay much less for the game’s rights due to EA having access to THQ’s finances as the company considered buying out the failed publisher.

THQ, which only exists to pay off the debts it incurred during its operational period, claims EA approached Zuffa to gain the licenses of the game franchise, sharing the financial information it had seen of THQ during the proposed buyout negotiations. This, THQ claim, led Zuffa to buying out of the contract agreement allowing EA to move in

An accusation of fraud has also been levied by THQ against the other companies, and the demands of compensation include a $20 million payout, as that was the estimated worth of the license, and EA only gain trustee rights of the license, not ownership so profits are fed back into THQ.

EA are denying the accusations.

Source:Polygon/US District Court Of Delaware 


  1. If you can’t settle your debts one way, you can always sue.

  2. Reading deeper into this it seems frivolous at best.

    Glad EA got the licence. Maybe now we can have a sports sim instead of Tekken with UFC sprites.

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