It’s such an odd world we live in, where one of the biggest names in the games industry regularly offers games each month for around £3. It’s also quite apt that one of the main games coming to PlayStation Plus next month is Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath HD for Vita.
Also joining Stranger will be MotorStorm RC for the PS Vita, as well as two big-hitting PS3 titles, namely the sublime Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and the rather well-received Remember Me, which Peter scored 8/10 in his review, saying that it “surprises in many pleasant ways as its fast-paced action beats play out”.
Well, I’ve said “next month” but in reality these games will hit the service very soon, on the 23rd of October. Once again Sony are offering amazing value for the service, as the PS4 draws closer yet. It’s hard to find time to play these games, but I’ll still subscribe because of the immense value on offer.
I’m quite excited for Remember Me with this update, what are you looking forward to?
Excellent, i fancied giving Remember Me a go but wasn’t sure enough about it to warrant a purchase.
All i can say is wow.
Dom El
Awesome – both Remember Me and Metal Gear Rising have been on my radar since they launched! Will keep me going till PS4!
Oddworld for Vita! Yay!
cam the man
Yep, will defo get Oddworld.
Brilliant month.
As is to be expected, there are people moaning about it on the official announcement, because 3 games are leaving to be replaced by only 2. But there were another 2 last month (Dragon’s Dogma and that evil Giana Sisters thing) they haven’t said are leaving, yet. I’m confused as to what’s there for how long now. Those 2 didn’t replace the ones that are available for more than a month, did they? Have they still got something to announce that replaces those?
But it’s still 25GB to download, and less than 2 weeks to clear some of the backlog and make space for it.
Motorstorm RC is cross buy so there’s still three PS3 games next month?
That’s true, I guess. Although they gave us the PS3 version of Stranger’s Wrath a while back, and even though that’s not technically cross buy, it still means 1 of the Vita games this month almost doesn’t count.
And they seem to have now announced that we only get 2 PS3 games a month from now on anyway. But I suppose we’ll get PS4 games as well, to make up for it. Just need to get a PS4 at some point. I’m avoiding the initial launch time, hoping that the “pretend to download the PS+ games and only really download them later” thing still applies and I can get a PS4 with something to play.
True, but then it isn’t officially three, just two games for PS3. That means there is officially only 9 games for PS3 now in the IGC collection which is a little concerning.
I’m just glad its Vita games I’ve got, as I’m fed up with constant deleting of my memory card. I’m glad with the Ps3 games as I don’t own them and I love metal gear but never bought rising as I didn’t like Raiden. So I’m on to a winner.
Wow this is the best month yet for me. Metal Gear Rising AND Remember Me. I’ve been waiting for the right price for a while and now I get to play them both for exactly £2 a month (15 months for £29.99). PS Plus is the best thing to happen to gaming this gen.
oh man, I don’t have PS+ as I have no time to play the games, but the content keeps getting better and better! As i’ll ‘Have to have it’ for the PS4 for online play, I’m gonna need bernards bloody watch to get through the content at this rate
Excellent, having recently joined the ranks of Vita owners I’ll soon have plenty to distract me from the grind of that last horrendous Diablo3 trophy!