Absolutely tonnes to get through today as I was busy being incredibly ill on Friday so there was no Snatch. Let’s start with some gimps, they always brighten my day, and there are plenty of them in the trailer for the Saints Row IV Enter the Dominatrix DLC.
Seaven Studio are “looking into” a PS Vita version of Ethan: Meteor Hunter, a game our Adam suggests will be a “perfect fit” for the console.
Further SoulCalibur II HD Online punching, this time it’s Raphael vs. Xianghua in the library, sadly not with candlesticks or Professor Plum.
Microsoft have finally got round to explaining “the facts” of Xbox One, including that you can swap games and do not need to be online all the time. Got there in the end, eh Microsoft?
Angry Birds Star Wars has been rated for next-gen platforms. The game is being published by Activision so expect a ridiculous price.
Before and after shots of the DC Universe Online update 31.
Announcement of an Announcement Corner: Telltale games will reveal The Walking Dead Series 2 details tomorrow.
Ever wanted to see the new Xbox One achievement unlock animation? There it is.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 are will both be holding Double XP events until next Friday, play and you could win an exclusive backdrop! Woo!
Trailer number three for The Guided Fate Paradox.
News we like: EA Sports UFC will run at 1080p on next-gen.
News we don’t like: “The game sim is running at 60fps, but rendering at 30fps with motion blur”.
“From prior experience working on Fight Night Round 4 and Fight Night Champion, which rendered at 60 and 30 FPS respectively, we discovered that 60 FPS didn’t have a hugely beneficial impact on gameplay, explains EA Canada creative director Brian Hayes. “We discovered that 60 FPS didn’t have a hugely beneficial impact on gameplay, but motion blur had an enormous impact on visual quality.”
A launch trailer for WRC 4: FIA World Rally Championship 4.
Duncan Obligatory Mention His Dad Is David Bowie Jones has tweeted “Just woke up from a horrible nightmare! The studio had forgotten to begin development of a game tie-in for the next movie…”
We presume he is joking as he is working on the World of Warcraft film.
The full trailer for the Bayonetta anime film which warns you to “Watch out for the enchanting and sadastic witch.”
Gearbox’s Randy Pitchford has bought Penn Jillete’s hair, which is a little weird. “I’ll chat with him about it and I’m sure between us we can come up with something clever that will amuse everyone who happens to be watching. Or maybe it just goes in a box,” he said.
Or maybe he will sit at home, sniff it and think naughty thoughts.
According to Polygon, Need For Speed: Rivals looks better on PS4 than it does on PC.
And Finally, some piratey goodness with Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag.
i assume that DCUO video applies to the pc version only.
or am i wrong?
I think the PS3 version has had a bit of a tart up as well.
It will be interesting to see Digital Foundry’s Need For Speed Verdict to see if Polygon’s claims stack up, or maybe it’s just down to a shoddy PC port.