Peggle 2 No Longer Launch Title For Xbox One

Peggle 2 is the latest game to miss the next-gen launch and will now be available on Xbox One in December.

“Peggle 2 is a ‘launch timeframe’ title,” explained PopCap senior director of PR, Garth Chouteau. “But [it] will not launch day-and-date with the Xbox One — instead, it will become available a few weeks later in December.”

Microsoft had previously confirmed Peggle 2 to be a launch title but PopCap have said it might have “mischaracterized” the game.

It’s not quite as big a loss as Watch Dogs but still one game less to play on Xbox One at launch.

Source: Venturebeat


  1. A few weeks isn’t too bad really considering we have to wait a good bit longer before it comes to PS4. Hope there’s a Vita version too.

  2. Love Peggle. Can see myself downloading this over the Christmas break.

  3. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s more game delays for the X1 as there’s been a lot of chatter over the weekend saying that the ESRAM is causing a bottleneck, it’s the main reason why some X1 games are running at a lower resolution than PS4 versions.

  4. Cannot wait for Peggle 2, lol! Any word on a PS4 release date? Or just early 2014?

  5. I do love peggle, but I think I can do without this. I’ll just play the original again when I fancy it..

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