Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Trailer And A Mysterious FFVII Trademark

Two bits of news for Final Fantasy fans, starting with a new trailer for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster which shows off the shiny new graphics, sound and general loveliness.

Final Fantasy 10/10-2 HD Remaster will be released on PlayStation 3 and PS Vita on March 18th in North America and March 21st in Europe.

Newshounds have also discovered that Square Enix has registered a trademark for Shinra Company, the fictional company from Final Fantasy VII.  Siliconera  discovered that the name has specifically been registered or use in video games, perhaps indicating some sort of FFVII spin-off game.

Source: YouTube


  1. It’s all looking and sounding nice, yes.

    But I’m more interested in getting a nice bunch of trophies for things I did more than 10 years ago. Looks like you need to do all the Dark Aeons and then the final secret boss for FFX. (Which is a fun challenge, unless you cheat and get lucky with Yojimbo and his Zanwossname slicing in half, insta-win attack, in which case, why are you even playing the game in the first place?)

    Hmm, there’s also a trophy for a certain really annoying lightning dodging thing. Not looking forward to that one so much.

    And I know X-2 wasn’t necessarily the most popular game, but I liked it. It gets the extra dungeon too? On top of the already enormous extra dungeon in the original version? And still manages to be possibly the gayest game ever?

  2. I think the only annoyance is that it isn’t cross-buy… I’ll definitely pick it up on Vita but it would have been nice to have the option to play on PS3 as well.

  3. I enjoyed FFX. But I really hope this does well, because I would love for them to redo FFXII.

  4. I loved X. Hated X-2 with a passion though. Im probably looking forward to Final Fantasy X more than Infamous Second Son.

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