Not exactly packed with exciting news today but I am just heading out to buy a robotic vacuum cleaner, which is very exciting indeed.
Onto the games then and the reboot of Shaq Fu is an actual thing and not a joke. It also comes with a rather dubious IndieGoGo campaign in which you can pay $6500 to work on the game (!) or $25,000 to have dinner the Shaq – but you have to pay for your own flights to Atlanta.
If you are in the United States and call 1-844-HELP-DUP (1-844-435-7387) then you will hear an inFamous Second Son Easter Egg. Alternatively, click here to listen to the audio.
Criterion co-founders Alex Ward and Fiona Sperry have announced their new studio, Three Fields Entertainment. They will be releasing games “for all platforms where we can self-publish”, so that includes consoles and mobile.
Need For Speed Rivals has got itself a bit of free DLC, the Koenigsegg One:1.
This is not a joke: Goat Simulator will be released on April 1st.
Yes, Borderlands 2 for Playstation Vita has cross save support with Borderlands 2 for Playstation 3. Thanks, Iron Galaxy! Home stretch!
— Randy Pitchford (@DuvalMagic) March 5, 2014
Borderlands 2 on PS Vita is almost done. Woo!
DLC for Call of Duty: Black Ops II sneaked on to the store earlier in the week. No, that is not me being confused; it really is for Black Ops II, not Ghosts.
Meanwhile, on TwitchTV via The Playroom….
Retro fans will be pleased to learn that the complete Turrican soundtrack is now available on Spotify.
The Independant has a rather inappropriate but amusing report of a man being stabbed by the Master Sword from Zelda.
Few could doubt the power of the Master Sword, not only has it defeated countless incarnations of Ganondorf in the Legend of Zelda series, but now it has hospitalised a Texan.
The ex-husband was taken to hospital following the altercation, but not before he, in true Zelda fashion, smashed a pot.
Read the full story (and the equally amusing comments) here.
Have you spotted the Resogun ship hiding in Dead Nation?
And Finally, Mario Kart 8 is the latest title to ship with a bit of plastic tat that collect dust on the shelf.
Goat Sim looks hilarious, don’t think you can go wrong at $10!
Damn right, It’s nice to see a game created out of pure silliness for the purposes of fun.
Pre-ordered. Only the third time I’ve ever pre-ordered anything too, GOATY!
It makes me sad to watch that Blops DLC video. How the game has fallen from CoD4, being a fairly realistic, simple shooter, to where you buy terrible, terribly cheesey gun camos and reticles. Wish the focus was on the gameplay. Also finding the spawning and lag compensation on Ghosts awful – definitely my last CoD game without dedicated servers. Gonna have to stop being shit at Shadow Fall!
Nice pics from The Division, it’s probably my most anticipated game for PS4.
yeah but i bet you downloaded the free festive pack for ghosts.. i know i did and i hate customization packs….apart from the last one on blops2 which was a dayglo orange affair which pretty much highlighted where every douche camping tit was hiding
and the division is soooo on my to buy list..
Turrican soundtrack? Could that possibly mean a Turrican remake in the works? That would be awesome.
Ah crap, just sold NFS:Rivals and I really loved the Koenigsegg in Most Wanted… Let’s hope it comes to PS+ soon.
The Division looks nice but they’re still worryingly only showing the same scenes they’ve shown before… and after the Watch Dogs visual downgrade from the reveal (mega understatement!) I’m starting to think it won’t look anything like as good by the time we get our mitts on it… Still, fingers crossed as at least The Division isn’t cross generation. Any new news about Rainbow 6: Patriots?
Paddy Power are taking bets on NFS:Rivals hitting PS+ on PS4 this August (they’re not really, it’s just my guess).
I can see it happening, but not within a month or two of Driveclub being released. Which I reckon means either next month (which feels way too soon) or we won’t see it until at least August as you say… not that I’m that fussed. I found it ok, hell of a grind and not a patch on Most Wanted.
oh please we need a new rainbow 6 i lurrrrrved every one of them..
I love new snatch too…
I guarantee to lower the tone on every post;P
Something new I saw… Ducktales (Awooohooo) HD is getting a disc release. Bit odd, but thought I’d mention it.
It was meant to come out on disc when it came out on digital, got delayed I guess.