What We Played #176: Natural Doctrine, Shadow of Mordor & PIX The Cat

To kick things off, this week I’ve been playing Natural Doctrine, a PS-exclusive Japanese import considered the Demon’s Souls of the SRPG genre. As the name implies, it’s a game centred around the philosophy of Darwinism with humans struggling to survive in a brutal fantasy realm. Despite a few teething issues the game has really started to grow on me and it has been a nice slow burner, keeping me occupied whenever I can tear myself away from Shadow of Mordor.

Speaking of great games, Monolith has really hit the mark with its latest project. After the somewhat mediocre War In The North and Guardians of Middle-Earth, Shadow of Mordor is a true return to form, outdoing pretty much every open-world game we’ve seen in the past year or so.

Blair has also been spending a fair bit of time with the game. When asked what he’s playing this week he responded:

Shadow of Mordor, more Shadow of Mordor, and even Moredor. The Nemesis system is so great, oh my god, it makes every other villain in any other game look one dimensional. Your foes are forging the same path as you, essentially, and they’re levelling up, completing missions, and killing other bad guys. They’ve got traits and faux memories and personality and everything that makes someone real. It’s incredible, I don’t know how they’ve managed it. Everything else is pretty standard for an open world game, but Ubisoft wish they could make an Assassin’s game like this.

Tef has sadly been missing out on all the Uruk-slaying fun, having dedicated himself to Driveclub over the weekend. In his review he praised the game’s stunning visuals and intuitive focus on team racing. Still, that hasn’t stopped Driveclub from receiving negative press this week, thanks to day one server issues, resulting in the delay of the much-anticipated PS+ edition. Elsewhere, Tef has spent more time with Destiny, jumping straight back into the Vault of Glass for some intense raid action. Thanks to improved gear, he and his Guardian crack team have got the raid down to just over an hour.

Tuffcub, Dom and Aran have also been spending some time with Destiny this week, as well as PlayStation Plus’s latest sleeper hit, PIX The Cat. Scoring the game a magnificent 9/10, Aran lauded its insanely addictive gameplay, audio, and visuals:

Overall PIX The Cat is incredibly fun and addictive. Every time I said it would be my last go I would also drift to the restart button, and have another go. The art design is really good looking, and just jumps out of the screen in some cases. The music is very well composed too, adding to the overall atmosphere of the game. The only real problem is the small amount of lag from analog input on PS4, which costs time in a game where every second counts. Since the game is currently free on Plus it really is worth playing, though if you do miss the Plus promotion it is worth picking up if you’re looking for a modern day Pac Man or Snake, with better presentation.

Dom has also been playing some Defense Grid 2 and Bayonetta 2 for review. With the embargo due to lift next week all Dom can tell us about Bayonetta 2 is that it’s a game, and features a character with the same name. Truly eye-opening stuff.

So, what have you been playing this week? Hopelessly attached to Shadow of Mordor or simply filling the gap left by Driveclub’s delayed PS+ version?


  1. I can’t believe you guys think so highly of Shadow of Mordor, I must be missing something.

    I started to think it was quite decent for about 15 minutes but that was a fleeting opinion. Having now completed the main story I don’t think I’ll be playing it ever again. Mind numbingly repetitive, way too easy and just boring. The enemy system is a nice idea and executed quite well if it weren’t for the fact that In the end I did not need nor want to gain Intel.

    The rune system is overly complicated and considering I was collecting high level runes from the start there was no need to collect others. My map is scattered with dropped runes I can’t be arsed with.

    Story had moments of interest but they ended to quickly and missions were bland. Imo they missed some great opportunities for truly varied objectives.

  2. Lots more Diablo 3, especially since the 2.1 patch content got added.
    More Trine 2 multiplayer with Forrest and Pixel_nme.
    A fair bit of Fifa, including some pro clubs shenanigans with Youles, Crazy_Del and Pixel_nme.
    Some Trials Fusion as the 3rd dlc pack was released midweek.
    Started Dust, looks like it could be fun.
    Just started Driveclub, played through the first 5 events, seems pretty good so far (although the server issues are obviously a major problem for Evolution).
    Lots more Fantasy Life on 3DS and a fair bit of the home run contest mini game on Smash Bros 3DS.

    • I really enjoyed our FIFA session, was a good laugh and we actually had a really good run, only losing that last game 0-1 with their late goal off the post. And we probably had the better chances that game!

      Apart form another handful of FIFA trophies I managed to complete and 100% the Watch_Dogs Bad Blood DLC. The single player levels and story was so much better than are main Aiden campaign. My theory is that Watch_Dogs was a bit rushed and they were able to take their time and be more creative with the DLC story. T-Bone and Tobias really worked well as a pair. The Co-op was also really good and I helped Virtual_Rehality out with a couple of trophies.

      Also finished the last Sniper Elite 3 Churchill DLC and restored my 100% trophies. That final level was huge and brilliant.

  3. Nearly finished Crysis 3 multiplayer having got all but 3 of the MP trophies, and I’m but a mere 500 miles away from GT6’s platinum as well.

    Managed to nab GRID Autosport for £20 from HMV, although I haven’t got much chance to play it yet. I tried a couple of races and really enjoyed the new racing pedigree. Definitely better than GRID 2.

    • Nice one with the Grid Autosport nabbing, it is a top game although I bagged it for a sneaky $12 or so in the US store price slash sale a week or two ago.
      Utterly love the Touring, Open Wheel and Street racing disciplines. Endurance is ok but the Tuner series drift competitions frankly bore the tits off me…hence not at level 10 Tuner discipline quite yet lol, although Tuner discipline includes Time Trial which I do like.

      So there we have it, I’ve played a lot of Grid Autosport and generally enjoying the game. Definately one of Codies best so far ;)

      • Nice. Fancy doing some meets at all in the future?

      • Yeah, I’ll be online with the game for while yet, only at online XP level 60/250, so why not.

        I’d thoroughly recommend that you do the weekly Racenet challenges – one of each discipline, and try for the platinum scores as the XP and credit you earn is excellent. It’ll get you started with enough credit to buy a decent car or two for online play.

  4. This week it’s just been destiny for me.
    I managed to get some ascendent shards to level up some armour,I still need a tonne more though!
    I also finally got a legendary weapon this week!

    • Kudos on the Legendary weapon bud but those ascendant shards are a bugger to come by UNLESS you play Raid that’s what some random told us last night.I’ve counted up how many shards i need and it’s close to 100 along with spinmetal/relic iron/helium filaments and spirit bloom so i’ve a lot of scavenging to do.I’m just waiting for Zavvi to ship my PS4 version of Destiny so until it arrives i’m playing it on the trusty PS3.

      • I know,it’s loads!
        I’m up for raiding once I find a team.
        I’ve found most shards by doing public events and dismantling the odd bit of legendary armour I didnt need.
        Once you get your ps4 version we’ll have to have bash at some strikes etc :-)

      • Raid, yes, but you can also get ascendant shards or energy from completing the daily heroic story missions. So just make sure you nip through them whenever you can to get a couple each day, before you head off onto Crucible or the Strike playlists.

  5. Started Tales of Xillia this week, enjoying for the most part although the combat system seems weaker than the one in Tales of Graces F. Also still dipping into Destiny frequently, mainly to play the daily heroic missions for vanguard marks.

  6. Slowly and cautiously making my way through Alien. Just got to the medical area. Enjoying in small doses, rather than marathon sessions.

  7. Shadow of mordor, destiny and alien. Mordor is great but alien is amazing, so far its one of best games ive played in years, its uttterly terrifying aswell

  8. For me Shadow of Mordor, Pix the cat and Dust Elysian tail. I’m enjoying every single second of them. Also a bit of FIFA too.

  9. My PS4 arrived today so i’m busy downloading all the ps plus freebies i’ve been adding to my account over the months.I got Fifa 15 and a download code for TLOU bundled in with the PS4,the fifa game i’m gonna trade in because i don’t play footy and i want to get Diablo 3 ultimate.TLOU is a game i’m really looking forward to getting my false teeth into as i never got around to playing the PS3 version so i’m going make up for it now.From what i’ve seen and read it’s one of those games that should be in everyone’s top ten list of must play games.

  10. Mostly Rayman Legends on PS3, which at €7.99 was an absolute bargain and is utterly gorgeous to play. Continued my new playthrough of Dishonored and also devoted another inordinate amount of time to Minecraft.
    I briefly checked out Pix The Cat, which i could easily never load up again, and also played an hour or so of Dust Elysian Tale, which i enjoyed.

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