PS+ Vote To Play Feature Kicks Off On Thursday

As we saw in the initial leak of the Vote To Play feature, you’ll be able to choose from Armello, Grow Home, or Zombie Vikings for next month’s PlayStation Plus offerings, with votes starting at 4.30pm UK time this Thursday.

The game with the highest vote will become free to PlayStation Plus subscribers on September 1st, with the winner chosen on August 24th, while the other two games will also receive a PS+ discount when they launch on September 1st.

You’ll be able to find the voting section in the PlayStation Store, under What’s New, or in your Notifications on the PS4 menu if you’re a PS+ subscriber. You can also change your vote before August 24th if you change your mind.

Sony have reiterated that this won’t be a monthly feature – that it’ll come at “regular intervals throughout the year”. So, who are you going to pick? My vote’s going to Armello, though all three games look like decent picks.

Source: PS Blog


  1. Though most people won’t think twice about it (and, depressingly, will probably moan that they don’t want ANY of the three games), the logistics of setting something like this up must have been a nightmare.

    Sony has to somehow convince three developers/publishers to pit their games up against each other. One of them will be the winner, presumably receive money from Sony, and their game could be played by potentially millions of people. Conversely, there’s no guarantee the other two will achieve any form of success, even with the discount.

    Then again, I suppose it’s pretty good (and, I assume, free) publicity, so maybe it’s worth the risk. :)

    • It’s either a bag of money, or a whole load of extra publicity for the developers. I can’t imagine the losing 2 games not making extra money out of it.

      And then they’ll probably get a bag of money from Sony in 6 months time when the losing games suddenly appear on PS+ anyway.

      • I guess you’re right. As they say, any publicity is good publicity.

  2. Armello looks interesting, as does Zombie Vikings.

    Grow Home, however, looks like they forgot to finish the game. So it’ll probably win the vote, since people can’t be trusted to vote properly ;)

    So there’s 2 out of the 3 games I’d probably be quite happy with as a PS+ game, and we’ll only get 1 of them, at best. Bloody typical.

    • None of these are really my bag, and Grow home does look like they gave up halfway through and pass it of as some N64 homage, but it seems the general consensus on GAF is Grow Home is the golden child among the three.

      Still I might just vote Grow Home just to fuck everyone’s day here at TSA! :P

  3. None of the games look particularly outstanding imo, but after watching a few gameplay vids Armello does look the best:

    • Nice one for the link,it does look good from what i watched but it’s a shame i’m not into turn based games.I’ll go and try to find a video for the other two games and see if they’re any good.

  4. Armello looks suspiciously like some kind of tower defense game so not my bag. Grow Home actually looks intriguing but i would probably give my vote to Zombie Vikings (which is by the folks who made Stick It to the Man). Actually come to think about it, Stick It was free on plus so maybe i should buy their new game…Ok i’ve decided, Grow Home it is!
    That’s all presuming i re-activate my plus subscription in time.. ;)

  5. Nice idea, I can’t decide which game to vote for though, d’oh!

  6. My priority to play out of these would be 1, Zombie Viking 2, Grow home and 3, Armello. I’ll probably not play Armello should that win but I thought that about Super Exploding Zoo and I got addicted to that. Also I wouldn’t be surprised should Zombie Viking win then, if my order is correct , Grow Home come on Ps+ in October and Armello come on in November. If that were to happen imagine the uproar on Ps blog.

    • Zombie Viking is my first choice at the moment, but may change my mind before the deadline.

  7. It’s free advertising for the two games that don’t make it too plus.

    I’m not interested in any of the games but it’s pretty cool giving players the choice.

    I’m just tired of all these indie games I don’t want. I’m too wrapped up in Triple AAA titles and don’t really have the time to dedicate to most of these free indie titles.

    I wouldn’t say no to The Escapists though.

  8. Just had a look on that channel the kids all watch (YouTube) and for me Zombie Vikings is the standout game.It has co-op which is a welcome bonus plus it’s from the people who made Stick It To The Man,all we need (i need) now is a platinum trophy and it would round things up nicely.

    • What channel? I could do with all the help I can get :)

  9. Good idea for 1 of the games but don’t we usually
    have about 3 games for each system? Have they already made their mind up with those?
    I personally haven’t heard of any of these games, have they been reviewed by TSA?

    • 2 games for each of the 3 systems, and we get to vote on 1 of the 2 PS4 games. The others are decided by Sony, same as any other month.

      And none of the 3 have been released yet, so haven’t been reviewed by anyone. Well, the PC versions of 2 of them might have been – Gone Home has a Metacritic score of 75, Armello is still in Early Access on Steam (with “very positive” user reviews).

      And the vote is for the EU (which includes Australia, for whatever reason. Geographical incompetence?) and the US.

  10. Is this just the UK PS+? I’m using the Aus store.

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