News Snatch: Tokyo Game Show Round Up

It’s time for an Emergency Snatch packed full of bobbins from the Tokyo Game Show. First up, For Honor, a forthcoming multiplayer combat game from Ubisoft, which will be coming to PC, PS4 and Xbox One.

World of Tanks is coming to PlayStation 4 in Japan. It will be free to play with brand new maps created for PS4, presumably this will make it’s way to Europe quite quickly.

A short, but rather good, trailer for Just Cause 3.

A demo for Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection will land on the PSN on September 29th.

Gameplay from the upcoming The Tomorrow Children.

Assassin’s Creed Council is a thing, and that thing is a bit like Reddit. Sign up and interact with game creators and get exclusive goodies.

Next up is Dark Souls III, which is even more darker and soulful than Dark Souls II. Probably.

Dragon Quest Builders is what happens when Dragon Quest and Minecraft get drunk in a bar and then have a one night stand. This baby is coming to PS Vita and PlayStation 4.

Pokkén Tournament, coming to Wii U next year.
The Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End E3 trailer was astounding and if you have seen the extended cut you will recall Nathan Drake and his brother having an argument whilst driving a Jeep and a motorbike respectively. The video above shows how the scene was motion captured but be warned, it may ruin the magic!

In separate ‘Cripes he’s in everything isn’t he?’ news, Nolan North has said he has signed up to a ten year long project with Warner Bros. We’re thinking whatever this is, it’s Rocksteady’s new baby.

And Finally, Honest Mad Max.


  1. The Tomorrow Children looks incredible, as does For Honor. But Dragon Quest Builders is the one that looks worryingly addictive.

    • Yep, I like the look of For Honour – Sorry, but I had to put a ‘u’ in it!!!
      Not sure about The Tomorrow Children though. Looks like a strange dream/nightmare.

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