Activision Reportedly Working On A New Ghostbusters Game

With a new and rejuvenated Ghostbusters film set to come out in the middle of this year, it seems that Activision are deep into developing a videogame to launch alongside the motion picture and ride the marketing and hype.

Quoting Mark Caplan, senior vice president of Sony’s Global Consumer Products, Retail Merchandiser reports that this new game is on the way to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One, as part of a wider merchandising push that also includes everything from new action figures to replica proton packs.

What isn’t clear is whether this game will be a movie tie in, featuring the new cast of characters and following the story from the film, or if it will feature the original cast as well. Though it wasn’t a great game, 2009’s Ghostbusters: The Video Game certainly went the extra mile, with a new script that was written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis, and featured the voice acting of Bill Murray and Ernie Hudson alongside them. At the time, it was pitched as a follow on story to the second film.

Source: Retail Merchandiser via IGN

1 Comment

  1. I actually thoroughly enjoyed the 2009 Ghostbusters game – I don’t know if that makes me weird, but I even spent time getting all of the online accolades for the platinum too (which some simply weren’t able to get due to a particular wanted ghost not showing up when he should etc).

    Overall, I felt that they captured the tone & feel of the world perfectly & the script by the actual writers went a long way to make sure it all felt connected to the source material it was drawn from. In terms of a loose tie in with a particular property, it was actually really quite good.

    Even the multiplayer itself was decent, requiring a certain amount of team work to get the job done.

    If the new one ends up anything like the last game, I’ll be buying. :)

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