Watch Media Molecule Build Cities In Dreams

Whilst undoubtedly very impressive I can’t help but think that Media Molecule’s Dreams is not for me. In this new video, a capture of an hour long stream that occurred recently, they make three vast cities in the game, which is very clever but looks more like work than fun to me.

Source: YouTube


  1. I guess MM are hoping it’ll appeal to the Minecrafters out there though I’ve yet to see any gameplay – is it simply a crafting experience?

    It’d be nice if you could export the models to say, Unity, to then animate & do things with but I don’t think I’ll pick it up otherwise though the engine does look really impressive & intriguing.

  2. That’s cool, being able to take one original object and build an entire city from it. Sure, it’s going to take time to achieve results and i don’t know if i’ll ever create anything worthy of sharing but i could still see myself spending some time with this simply as a creative toy.
    Also interesting is how they’ve kept the filesize down to 128MB by storing all the objects on the cloud. I guess that means there’s an always-online rquirement – unless that’s just for pre-fabricated objects.

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