Netflix On PlayStation VR: “Absolutely” Say Sony

At the recent launch of PlayStation VR Sony mentioned a cinematic mode that would let you watch films, and play standard PS4 games, on a massive virtual screen projected in the headset.

“We believe that’s a really important part of the entertainment experience that PS VR has to deliver,” aid Sony Worldwide Studios boss Shuhei Yoshida. “We are working with potential partners in that area, we’re just not ready to announce who will bring their apps to PS VR yet. We will do that soon before the launch.”

When asked if he thought Netflix, which is currently available on Samsung’s Gear VR device, would come to PlayStation VR he replied “Oh yes, absolutely.”

Yoshida also revealed that he thought some of the 50 launch window titles may slip in to next year.

It’s a bit too many, possibly – but some games will be pushed out [of that window],” he said. “What I’d really like to see, seriously, is that six months to a year after the launch, the developers who invested in making great VR games are able to recoup their investment and continue making new games. That’s the biggest test we have to pass.”

Source: Digital Spy


  1. Serious question, but what about porn? Lol

    • Well I guess if they support the PS4 browser in VR then you could go to certain websites and watch IMAX sized porn. Frankly the idea of close up sex, projected 50ft tall barely inches from your face is a rather disturbing.

      • My wife would agree but hopefully she thinks I’m just playing a game and not being a perv lol.

      • I’m thinking there may be a visual clue, downstairs shall we say, that you are watching porn…

      • ‘Is that a joystick in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?’
        Though I’ve never tried it I think I’d find a perceived 50ft of genetalia an inch from my eyeballs a bit overwhelming.

      • I’m like a Competition Pro down there. Go on… give it a waggle!

      • Oh Mike….

      • Nah, she knows how much I love games lmao

      • You should check out Gaspar Noe’s film ‘Love.’ Especially in 3D. There’s a particularly gloopy money shot about an hour in. STRAIGHT at the camera. I don’t think I’d want to be wearing VR glasses for that particular part.

      • I’ve seen that film ?

  2. Netflix on Vita or PlayStationTV would also be nice.

  3. So no more Netflix & chill?

  4. IMAX mode! That’s quite exciting, hopefully there’s a big uptake amongst the big spectacle AAA games like GTA. They’ll literally be big spectacles on big spectacles! I’m starting to wish I had £350 lying around.

  5. VR and Netflix….. Daredevil here I come xD

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