Dishonored 2 Screens Have Arrived

Screenshots! That’s a bit old school isn’t it? Nevertheless, screenshots have arrived for Dishonored 2 via All Games Delta. There’s not much to say other than they look very pretty and a little disturbing.

Source: AGD

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. *sigh* Another game to add to the list. STOP MAKING GAMES I WANT! Seriously, stop it! I’m probably looking at £200 just in games! Stop making games i want!

    Also, Dishonoured 2 looks excellent. It seems to be more or less the same in terms of atmosphere and that works.

    Seriously, stop making games that I want. My wallet won’t forgive me when I sort out life and get a PS4.

  2. This is a sequel i’m very much looking forward to.

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