Sony Open Sign-Ups For PS4 Firmware 5.0 Beta

Every few months or so, the PlayStation Network team like to roll out new and improved features for their online service. If you want to be one of the first try out the latest firmware update, the sign-ups are now open for beta registration (EU or US).

Naturally, the PSN team are keeping quiet about what kind of features to expect. Hopefully, we’ll find out in the near future.

Source: PlayStation Blog

Written by
Senior Editor bursting with lukewarm takes and useless gaming trivia. May as well surgically attach my DualSense at this point.


  1. Cross-game chat ;p

  2. The return of OtherOs! ;)

    • Gonna move the battery indicator so it clashes with the clock icon again

    • Never going to happen. We were given that gift, and wankers like geohot ruined it for everyone.

  3. btw…the link doesnt seem to….link. doesnt seem to be working or maybe its just me

    • All links seem to be working on my end.

      • my bad…it was me. stupid workplace have their servers set so the internet thinks we are sitting in Dubai right now!!!! even bloody google maps thinks we are on the coast side of Dubai!!

  4. Even moooooore system stability!
    Thanks for the handy link, I’m all signed up.

  5. With a double zero on the end there should be some good additions to the firmware.

  6. Signed up yesterday – always worth a gander if you can early..

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