Football Manager To Include Gay Players Which Will Boost Your Revenue

Miles Jacobson, Football Manager’s director, has told BBC Sport that this years version of the game will include gay players who ‘come out’.

“We know from the amount of professionals that there has to be players who are gay but feel they don’t want to come out,” he said. “I find it weird that it’s still a problem in football so we decided to try and show people that coming out isn’t a big deal and can be a positive thing.I just think it’s crazy that in 2017 we are in a world where people can’t be themselves.”

The players who come out will be fictional characters rather than existing players to avoid lawsuits, and countries that have laws against being gay will find all their teams stay completely straight.

However, there’s one additional feature.

Soon after, your commercial director will inform you of a boost in the club’s revenue, in part due to new attention from the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

Adding a gay player to your team does not suddenly make all the gays like football, it’s not going to change anyone’s mind about the sport, no one is suddenly going to stop watching Drag Race and tune in the Match of The Day.

Getting money in-game for someone coming out seems rather vulgar to me, can’t they just have a hearty slap on the back and then carry on as normal, because that’s what that is what the gays want, normality, rather than to be treated differently.

Source: BBC

Written by
News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.

1 Comment

  1. How exactly could they be sued if they did it with fictional versions of real players?

    And the thing about certain countries where they’ve “simply respected their laws” is equally stupid.

    All sounds like they’ve had maybe a tiny bit of a good idea but don’t want to upset anyone too much because that might cancel out the publicity advantages.

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