Report: LEGO Incredibles 2 And LEGO DC Supervillains On The Way

Following the death of LEGO Dimensions we’re back in to the familiar territory of a never ending stream of stand alone LEGO games, and according to the next to land on the shelf will be LEGO Incredibles 2. LEGO sets based on the movie were leaked last year along with rumours of game and ‘sources linked to WB’ have confirmed this is the case.

The source also has news on a second game, following the lycra clad heroes with no capes will be LEGO DC Supervillains, some of whom really like a good cape. As the name suggests this feature the bad guys with Harley Quinn, The Joker and Lex Luthor taking centre stage, and Batman and chums playing smaller roles.


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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. Supervillains I kinda get but Incredibles 2? Unless the sequel introduces 100+ new & varied characters, the character grid is going to look a bit sparse, no? I suppose they could expand the backstory with all the old superheroes but it still feels like a stretch.

    I was hoping we might get a new (proper) Batman Lego game for the PS4 but never mind.

  2. Lego Incredibles 2?

    Did I miss a Lego Incredibles game, or does the “2” belong to the movie rather than the game?

  3. I’m very hyped about the movie, it’s one of my all time favourites. And it’ll be extremely hard to reach the expectations with this one.
    But Lego games are not my cup of tea.

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