Director Of The Metal Gear Film: One Of The “Best Scripts I’ve Ever Read”

Jordan Vogt-Roberts, who previously directed the Kong: Skull Island movie, is helming the big screen adaption of the Metal Gear franchise and has told IGN that the script that has been turned in is rather good.

“We just turned in the script and I think it’s one of the best scripts I’ve ever read.,” said Vogt-Robert. “It’s one of the coolest, weirdest, most Kojima things. Even me and being involved in it, I look at it as someone who is like, ‘I would make the hell out of this movie.’ But if I wasn’t involved in it, I would still look at that script and be like, ‘holy shit.’”

Hideo Kojima is involved in the production in a consulting role but given his acrimoniously split from Konami he may not have much involvement.

Source: YouTube

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News Editor, very inappropriate, probs fancies your dad.


  1. Well, that makes a pleasant change from the usual “We’ve got a script, and it’s the worst thing I’ve ever read”.

    Wait. They never say that, do they? Well, they sometimes do after they’ve made a big pile of money from something terrible. But very rarely before it’s been made.

  2. No one wants a MGS Film more than myself, but the most iconic part about the world is Hayters delivery of Snakes voice [Sutherland is cool, but he aint Snake]

    I think I would stuggle to get on with the film if the voice was off or looked/sounded forced.

    Also – if Metal Gear Survive is anything to go by it will be a tragedy. I can live in hope that this film, should it see the light of day doesnt throw shade on one of the best gaming worlds ever created…..

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