A brand new screenshot for Final Fantasy VII Remake has been released

It was just a couple months ago that there was confirmation that Final Fantasy VII Remake would be releasing in March 2020, and since then there have been a few bits of news surrounding the title. Perhaps the biggest was when Xbox Germany announced that Final Fantasy VII Remake would be coming to Xbox One before having to backtrack. This led to Square Enix having to come out and state that Final Fantasy VII Remake would be a PlayStation exclusive, though it would not be a major shock if the title went multiplatform at some point in the future following a timed exclusivity deal.

Outside of that drama Square Enix has released a brand new screenshot for Final Fantasy VII Remake, which is set on the main street. It looks pretty good.

In addition, some concept art was also released of Sector 8 and you can check out its grittiness below.

Miguel recently got some hands-on time with Final Fantasy VII Remake, and wrote: “It’s still hard to believe, but this game really is coming. Whether we get one disc or three, the content is bound to be worthwhile if this brief demo was any indication. The decision to shift form turn-based action to something more real time will remain contentious for devout fans, but it’s inventive and rewarding. Square observed the flaws of their action combat from Final Fantasy XV, and improved on every part of it. Having gone hands on, I now can’t wait for even more when the game launches in March 2020.”

You can read the full preview of Final Fantasy VII Remake here.

Source: Twitter

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From the heady days of the Mega Drive up until the modern day gaming has been my main hobby. I'll give almost any game a go.