A report from Windows Central written by Jez Corden has revealed that the codename for Microsoft’s plan to make it’s games multi-platform is ‘Latitude’. The name seems fairly on the nose as it means “scope for freedom of action or thought”, or in this case, freedom for Microsoft to put their games on rival consoles.
Jez goes on to say that “More upcoming Microsoft-owned games slated for PlayStation are already being developed. At least for now, they’re potentially obvious games you’d most likely expect.”
Games developed by Microsoft owned companies are limited this year, Hellblade 2 is just weeks away and then there is only Indiana Jones – which they have already said is not coming to PS5 – and Avowed from Obsidian. Further out we have the likes of Blade and The Elder Scrolls 6.
If they do want to make some money and not damage the Xbox brand too heavily it seems that Blade and Indy are the obvious games to go multiplatform, they are big names and will sell by the bucket load. Porting something iconic such as Forza, Fable, or Halo to PlayStation would not be popular with the Xbox community. However, “Microsoft is pushing for no “red line” for what games could come to PlayStation,” reports Jez.
There are plenty of smaller exclusive games not developed by Microsoft but published by them that could make the jump such as Ara: History Untold, Towerborne, and Contraband.
Rare’s Sea of Thieves has been a hit on PlayStation, topping the download chart in the EU and coming in at third place over in the United States. Obsidian’s Grounded also did well earning mid chart placing in both regions.
Microsoft have been sending mixed messages about their plans, “There is no fundamental change to exclusivity” said Phil Spencer, while Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has said “We are committed to meeting players where they are by bringing great games to more people on more devices”.
Source: Windows Central
They are gradually but inevitably moving towards the end goal they were planning on when they announced the death of consoles a few generations ago.