PopCap Confirms XBL Plants Vs. Zombies

Though already quasi-confirmed by German ratings board USK, it’s always good to get the official nod from a publisher on such matters as a game’s actual release. After all, they should know what they’re physically releasing. Such an authoritative missive has just popped (pun intended) into the TSA mailbox from PopCap Games and, as expected, Plants Vs. Zombies is a lock for XBLA. Unfortunately, PS3 fans are going to have to wait a little longer before they can get their zom on. PopCap’s Cathy Orr tells us:

I don’t have confirmation on PSN but can confirm that it is indeed coming to XBLA. We have no specific launch date to announce at this time, but it’s coming later this year – we will keep you posted!

We’ll keep you informed on further flowery undead developments as they happen. Well, just after they happen. Listen, when we know, you’ll know as fast as humanly possible. Good enough?

Source: PopCap