Bladeslinger Trailer Looks Impressive

Do you remember the game ‘Snake’? There was a time where that little collection of blocks was cutting edge in terms of mobile phone gaming.

Now check out this Bladeslinger trailer. Currently in development for iOS and Android, it certainly is impressive. Somewhere, some-place, a Nokia 3210 is crying.

Source: YouTube


  1. Wow, that is impressive.

  2. Certainly looking good.

  3. Goodness, they’ll shift units of that!
    Wonder what the pricing will be like?

  4. And here I was playing Gameboy Color era games on my phone… Still on a handheld, it’s all about the gameplay IMO so this could still be a crappy game right? Right?! Oh who am I kidding… It’s awesome.

  5. How about checking this out as well. Which launched yesterday on iOS :)
    E3 gameplay;
    Launch trailer;
    iTunes Link;

    Price is a bit steep, but for these graphics I think it’s justified.

    • Graphics aren’t the be-all and end-all, we need gameplay to make it an enjoyable game.

  6. Looks impressive but is it good?

  7. :O I knew the mobile platform was capable of producing some decent graphics nowadays but i wasn’t expecting that.:O It looks good gameplay wise. But it may end up being a bit repitive and the controls could be very crap.

    My phone would blow up if i even dared to get this. I have to use coal just to get the fecker to start up and beat the living hell out of it just so it recongises my sim card.

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