Stranger’s Wrath HD Priced, Is 3.2GB

Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath HD – the updated remake of the popular action adventure game from last generation is out soon, but we’ve just had some details through.

The finished game weighs in at just over 3GB.

“When we started this project the original title was 1.9GB in size, however with the various upgrades and additions we’ve done, it’s grown to 3.2GB,” Just Add Water CEO Stewart Gilray told TheSixthAxis.

“But for your size you get new 16-bit audio, higher quality higher resolution movies, every character has been re-modeled and re-textured, we’ve altered a lot of the environments, including higher res textures, brand new GUI, easter eggs, and a whole lot of never before seen unlockable concept art and videos.”

And the prices?

£9.99 for the UK market, €11.99 for the rest of Europe, and $14.99 in the States.

For a list of all the improvements over the Xbox original, see our earlier post here.


  1. I was expecting it to be larger, that size is completely acceptable. It’s reasonably priced as well, sold.

  2. Brilliant. Will get this on day one. The pricing is spot on.

  3. Wow was expecting it to much more expensive then that.

  4. Awesome, consider it bought. I loved this game on the Xbox.

  5. Great price, and it sounds awesome.

  6. It apparently has a ‘full’ trophy list as well (which includes a platinum). See;

  7. I thought this would be a full priced blu-ray based game.
    Great news it’s not, might pick it up now!

  8. Rip-off! It would be perfectly acceptable if I had $15. ;)

  9. Looking forward to this. Great price. When is it releasing?

  10. Excellent price for what will be a great game I’m sure.

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