Square Enix Register “Just Cause 4” Domains

On May 18th Square Enix registered a rather large number of Just Cause 4 domains.

The company picked up JustCause4.com, JustCause4.fr, JustCause4.co.uk, JustCause4.de, and JustCause4.it

Square Enix have yet to confirm a fourth Just Cause title (or even a third) but with E3 just weeks away perhaps they are preparing for an announcement.

Source: Fusible


  1. 4?

    did i fall asleep for a year and miss 3?

    i really have to finish Just Cause 2.

    i just realised, how many games i have that i could say that about.
    i finish too few of my games.

  2. 4? Ok…

    Anyway, JC2 is awesome but i’m nowhere near finishing it atm

  3. JC2 was a blast. The only problem it had was what made it so great: the open nature of the game. It’s fun to steal a Jet and just go nuts but it gets old fast and the story wasn’t interesting enough to keep me interested in the missions.
    I got the game during a STeam sale and I recently got a wireless Xbox 360 controller for my PC so I’ll probably give it another shot.

  4. Just cause 2 was awesome, its fun to go back to and go wild!
    How random its just cause 4

    • Agreed, loved JC2. In fact was playing a bit of it just yesterday. Trying to get to 75% completion (currently at 61%)… a slog, but an enjoyable one nonetheless!

  5. Please bring co-op! Think of the mayhem!

    • i get the feeling they planned co-op for 2, but had to leave it out for whatever reason.

      look at how many vehicles there are with gun turrets that cannot be operated while driving.

      that game just screams co-op.

      ooh, just had a thought, tether two vehicles together, tug of war. ^_^

  6. I had to get up and look at my game collection for a second there..where the hell is 3? Lol

  7. Indeed, loved JC2 despite the shoddy voice acting and story.
    I did wonder if I missed something as well but it seems not. Bit weird, but looking forward to what they might do.

    • I thought the dodgy accents and story only added to its charm to be honest, in an 80s action movie kind of way.

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