“Saints Row IV” Confirmed As The Next Game In The Series

The next Saints Row game will simply be called Saints Row IV, according to the official Facebook channel. The game has been given a release date of 23rd August this year.

The last game was hugely successful as a rather more silly approach to the open world genre that Rockstar had previously dominated with Gran Theft Auto.

Saints Row IV will be seen as the natural evolution of the Enter The Dominatrix expansion to Saints Row III that never emerged, among, hopefully, lots more.

A teaser has been released, which shows off the game’s bombastic approach and completely over the top action. It’s certainly infinitely better than the teaser for SR3.

Expect more on Saints Row IV here soon…


  1. Awww, I was hoping it’d be Saints Row V. Definitely avoiding.

  2. I loved Saints Row the Third. Online CO-OP was the most fun I’ve had on a game in a long while. Was hoping the next would be on the next gen. I probably still pick this up though.

  3. Excellent stuff. Love 3rd.

  4. looks like fun, but i’d say it shows its origin as an expansion pack for SR3

  5. Briefly played 2 when it was plussed away, was a hoot. Not played 3 but wouldn’t object to playing it.
    May skip 3 and grab 4 when it comes out

  6. Absolutely loved the third game, one of my fav open world games, and while I must say I’m incredibly excited for a fourth game, and the trailer was insane, it does look incredibly similar to SR3

  7. it looks like 3 still?

  8. Another cracker for this gen…..the list grows!
    This is most welcome news! ;)

  9. From what i’ve heard, they have gone overboard and then procceed to go overboard with going overboard with the insanity. :O I do hope that Steelport will look far better in 4 then it was in number 3.

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