Loads Of New Screens And Videos Surface For PS3 Exclusive Puppeteer

Puppeteer is one of those peculiar kinds of titles that Sony platforms have always been a great home for. It’s a platformer with an odd scissor-based mechanic, set in a kind of handcrafted world. You’ll be able to control Kutaro, with his magic scissors, and Yin Yang, his floaty companion who has links to the afterlife.

We haven’t seen a great deal of it yet but the Japanese site for the game, which is due out in September of this year, just updated with a load of new media. Firstly, there’s this video, which is around 30 seconds of gameplay and shows a kind of LittleBigPlanet weight to the movement and animation.

There are also a slew of videos that show animations for some of the different heads that Kutaro can wear. Different heads bestow different abilities. I’ll just drop these in here, there are spider, skull, hamburger, snowman, teacup and rocket heads that all appear to be new.

Finally, there are a load of screenshots, pulled from the videos, that show how deep and interesting the environments will be.

Source: Official JP Site via NeoGAF


  1. This is one of my most wanted games for this year, looks like it will be a lot of fun to play. :)

  2. Looks gorgeous!

  3. Truly beautiful. I love platformers, so this is a must buy.

  4. I get this confused with Tearaway.

    • just remember this as the one that gives you lots of head.

    • Aye, me too. Tearaway’s the paper one, right?

  5. This looks like a really good game. I just hope they make it so the little one can play.

  6. The attention to detail looks sublime. I really hope this turns out to be something special. Signs so far say “yes”. :-)

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